Sunday, June 29, 2008
Guess where I am....

HOME! It's true, I am HOME before's not a lie, I am HOME! I am home reading a few blogs, laying on the couch listening to my family rustle around the house doing what they do...I get to hear them do it, NOT THAT'S AMAZING! I have worked many MANY long hours and feel very satisfied at the accomplishments that we have achieved this far. The FIRST food service area opened in the Refinery this weekend and it was a great success if you consider hundreds of students drinking expensive waters, eating BOAT LOADS OF CANDY BEFORE 9am a success! I am excited yet ready to hire LOTS more help so I can see my awesome rustling family more often!

Lot's to look forward to...2 more food service area's opening (tomorrow I get to meet with the ice cream vendor who is flying out to teach us how to use our new AMAZING ice cream machine...YUMMY), and did I mention Harbor House is about a month away?

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Did I disappear...honestly YES!


Ok, I admit...I have disappeared from this whole blogging world. It's a combination of moving, work, kids finishing school, work, sleepless nights, work...oh did I mention the Refinery?

Tonight I had my first feel of nerves sitting in my stomach and causing severe nausea! I was SO nervous for what is about to come, this has been such a HUGE project for SO many people and I have worked hard to pull my end of the bargain. I wished from the bottom of my deepest heart that we could have been open in the Food Service areas of the Refinery tonight! I am SO excited about what is about to come from all the hours that our team has prepared for the openings of all 3 Food Service areas!

The work that went into this amazing building showed on so many faces tonight! I loved looking at each of the Student Ministries Staff members and hearing the glow of success that has come from SO many years of preparation. It's been God's work in progress and I am proud to be a part of the team even though they have yet to see what we have begun to make this a success for them (everyone LOVES food, we won't disappoint)! Even with menu boards that still have misspelled words, I know that what we are about to offer WILL be amazing!

SO...from the bottom of my tired deep heart....THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU EVERYONE who put in moments, hours, days, weeks, months, years to make this building what it is...A place for MY kids to find God right where they are in life, find fellowship and find themselves in a world where they have SO many other options! I can honestly say, our family is GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL!

As for me....stay tuned, I will be back!

Monday, June 2, 2008
Because she is......


Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Favorite part of my day...

Kelly runs to the bottom of the stairs 4 or 5 times during the day yelling:

"I HAVE TO CHECK MY NEW ROOM!" For what you ask? Not sure, I think to make sure it's still there! I love her girly room and I love that she loves her girly room! LOVING the yellow walls, really thought I wouldn't yet, I like looking at her room too! It's the cutest, I promise!

PS. She makes her bed EVERY morning and cleans her room 4 or 5 times a day....I LOVE 8 year is simple!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sad, mad,'s all in the bag for today!

I recieved some horrible sad news today. A friend passed away, this is a friend I shared in a bible study with, I looked forward to the Monday summer nights and watching her surf, I loved pulling up to "Old Man's" and seeing her car, we could always share a story, a few moments, I adored her, she had a light even when see didn't see it.
She was hurting, she was in an accident and passed. I would give her name but I know there are people who have not been told yet and I would hate for this to be the place. My heart aches, it's been crying all afternoon, she was SO sweet, yet so sad and hurting. I hate that this accident stole her life. Her family loved her deeply, they knew her hurts yet loved her deeply. Again, my heart aches!

I want to swallow my tears because I KNOW that she is in a great place, she is out of any pain she thought she had or was dealt by the carelessness of another. It's sad!

Life can make you sad....then your daughter comes home excited, you talk to a friend who you know has a smile ear to ear, life is sad, complicated and ever changing. I will cry tonight, most likely at the funeral and again for her family off and on, but I know life is going to be ok...I just wish I knew they weren't going to hurt so much right now!

As for mad....that's another story for another day not directly related to any of this!

I am OK, you are OK, we ALL Ok....THANK GOD!

Monday, May 26, 2008

THE MESSY GARAGE (next week there WILL be 2 cars in it)!

MATT'S ROOM (he is still working on it, need pics)!

We are finally moved in! A few walls have pictures, most rooms are 80% done, and we are ready for company if you can handle a few things still out of place! The garage is "almost" ready for cars to be parked inside and we are waiting for a few pieces of furniture to arrive (a new wall unit, backyard furniture, etc).



We are ALL very happy, love this house AND the GREATEST part of's QUIET! Yes, I said QUIET with a family of 5, people around helping out, visiting and meeting new neighbors.
We still have no phone service home and limited cell service but it's been great just spending time getting settled! We are NOT ignoring people we just have NO connections and have had to "borrow" from the neighbors for limited internet connection (a friend is here now trying to cure that issue)!
I am on the hunt for a trampoline and pool so this summer should be amazing with our new large backyard.
Speaking of backyard we are not "fenced" in so our dog Buddie escaped! Someone let him in the backyard without the tie-up (I will not tell you which teen did that to save face but let's just say I may have patted that one on the back)! Then 2 of the children cried themselves to sleep and we made a visit to the Mission Viejo Pound and $110 later...our dog is home safe and sound! YES, YOU CAN PAT ME ON THE BACK FOR BEING A GOOD MOM THIS TIME!
So, we can't wait for you all to stop by....HOME SWEET HOME!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Moving has begun...

Secretly I LOVE moving, not the packing and lifting but the organizing, redecorating, finding new ways to make my old stuff look good. I love the smell of the new paint on the walls, brand new AMAZING carpet, buying new bedding to match the new walls, I LOVE ALL OF THAT!
Today we started the move, David had to work late so I recruited my children to help me run the first 5 loads to the new house. The fragile stuff I don't trust anyone to move, my china, my pictures, and decorations, all important to me so I must move them myself.
I started Kelly's adorable yellow room and can't wait to finish it tomorrow! It's so "girly" and she LOVES it. It's her first time to do all the choosing of colors, bedding and room design. I would not have chosen pink, yellow and green but she REALLY wanted it! I gave her so many other options so for now I am LOVING her little "girly" room.
I have realized that the closet in my much smaller bedroom is much smaller than the one I am leaving behind. How long will it take for me to move into my husbands side? I think I will start slowly inching my way to his side, do you think he will notice? Let me tell you when you own 200 Trader Joe hawaiian shirts (well, maybe not quite 200 but it seems that way), you owe your wife a couple of inches on your side...right?
Ok, so the fireplace is still ugly and I have had many offers to help me make it better. I wish I could send you a picture but the cord to the camera is lost in moving land somewhere. I tried to send it from my phone to my email, didn't work..sorry! I would love a REALLY pretty shelf over the REALLY UGLY fireplace to make it presentable. I went to Home Depot to "look" at shelves but I do not have the "eye" for what I I now know help is on the way. THANKS FRIENDS!
I can't wait to have a summer barbecue and invite you ALL! Stay tuned for pics and invites! We are looking for a trampoline for these barbecue's, adults love to jump too!
Call us, come visit...ALL ARE WELCOME AND I WILL COOK!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's a beautiful thing!

I need to look up how Mother's Day got started and who decided we would celebrate the birthing of our children! I want to know all about this great holiday! I want to believe it's really Mother's Day weekend. I personally had a great weekend! On Saturday I was blessed by visitors galore! It seemed so many people came to church and stopped in for visits! Thank you to all! Julie took tons of pictures and brought Pete and Donas for her visit (Julie is great about remembering her camera, me NOT SO MUCH). Check out her blog for those pics!

Yesterday was my great day! I woke early (I know...what it was Mother's Day) but I made the decision to work for 3 short hours, mostly so I could have some "Holly" time. She was scheduled to work and I wanted to make sure I got to spend time with each of my kids yesterday.
After leaving work I was off to my great friend Cheri's house...or should I say a DAY IN PARADISE! Kelly had spent the night there the night before and so I was off to spend time with her and have some time to catch up with my friend. We sat by the pool, overlooking the golf course and talked for HOURS! This is just how the whole idea behind Mother's Day was designed for! We talked so much we were both ready for a nap and relaxation!
David came to pick Kelly and I up and we headed home to spend the rest of the afternoon with Matt who was home and had done a ton of chores, homework, began preparations for dinner! WOW...LIFE IS AWESOME! We relaxed, I "rested my eyes" for a few minutes and Matt made BREAKFAST for dinner! LIFE IS GREAT!
The 2 younger kiddo's were in bed early, the house was quiet and I got to watch some sappy "Lifetime" movies!


PS. Here is the topping on the whole day...I received homemade cards from the Facility guys at work thanking me for my "Mothering" skills at work! I was touched! Thank you Jason, David, Chuck, Jesse and all the Saddleback boys! I so appreciate you and all you do, for eating my food, for laughing at my dumb jokes, for taking out my trash, and for just being GREAT! You all make being your "mom for the day" worth it!
PSS. Clean your desk boys!

Friday, May 9, 2008
Cassandra made me do it...

I don't forward mail, I don't forward text, I just don't's not me. I get so much of those little cute "if you don't send this to 300 million friends in one minute" things that I just don't want to torture others with more and I am hoping I don't get tortured more. BUT....I love love love Cassandra and I love that she wants to know more about her old lady friend, I love that she is "in love" though she wouldn't say "those" words forever and now she says them with the biggest smile EVER.

THAT SAID...I fell for it and I forwarded her forward happily. Here is the details for those of you I didn't forward it to. It's cute, it's innocent...I love making this fun for her!
1. What is your occupation? I work at Saddleback Church but if you ask me what my real job description is...UH, I am NOT sure anymore, it's ALL new!

2. What color are your socks right now? White with a pink Nike logo

3. What was the last thing that you ate? Cashews and Vanilla Yogurt (not together but that was lunch since I didn't eat the great food we had today!

4. Can you drive a stick shift? Yeppers, I learned on a RED corvette ALL BY MYSELF! I am one determined girl! It got me out of the house for the weekend and my friends LOVED it!

5. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink or Yellow...

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Holly begging to do something tonight even if it is with us, she is grounded and wants us to open the jail! HA HA

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? She is an AMAZING young lady! I hope my daughters are JUST like her! She's pretty darn special, heck I would only do THIS for her!

8. How old are you today? Mean and rude but ok I will answer, 44 for another 4 months! Getting old is NOT FAIR!

9. Favorite drink? Sparkling water

10. What is your favorite sport to watch? Do the Dodgers play the Lakers or the Lakers play the Ducks? Just kidding, gymnastics? Sports are just not me, if shopping is a sport...I WILL TAKE THAT ONE HANDS DOWN!

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? AGAIN...RUDE but I will play along, MAYBE, MAYBE NOT!

12. Pets? a really dumb dog, Holly tells me there are 2 fish that live in that tank downstairs but I choose not to look!

13. Favorite food? Pepperoni Pizza and they better have LOTS of it in heaven!

14. Last movie you watched? Tried to watch "Glass House" last night but I hate scary movies so I chickened out and ran upstairs to watch the news...which can be scary also!

15. Favorite Day of the year? the day we leave for our Harbor House, I seriously get giddy! Why does it take SO long to come each year! We can go almost 365 days a year and we can't find the time to drive 30 miles to enjoy MY FAVORITE PLACE! IT'S CRAZY...welcome to the McTaggarts!

16. What do you do to vent anger? Get SUPER quiet, shut down and need to be alone. I hate that I am angry so I tend to want to be alone to get over my anger. It's confusing but I love to go to my room be alone and figure it out or wallow, then I am fine!

17. What was your favorite childhood toy? a ballerina doll that you would spin the crown on her head and she would dance. It was my first gift from my step-dad when he was dating my mom.

18. What is your favorite season? Summer for the Harbor House, beach, fun with kids. Winter for Christmas and building family memories!

19. Hugs or kisses? it depends, I have had to learn to let people hug me but now I actually enjoy reaching out and hugging someone to let them know I care. Kisses...ummmm, ask my hubby!

20. Cherry or Blueberry? Really neither.

21. Do you want your friends to email you back? Yes!

22. Who is most likely to respond? Julie, Holly, Lisa?, hopefully Melissa, it would be fun to learn more about her life now.

23. Who is least likely to respond? Rude if you don't! HA HA

24. When was the last time you cried? Today almost twice, but I am strong, no tears here! Actual real last time I cried, 2 nights ago for NO reason, really NO reason, I was just SUPER SUPER tired and anxious about all this new stuff going on!

25. What is on the floor of your closet? dirty clothes basket, that's it. Should have asked that question about a week ago when I was packing my closet, seriously I ask again...WHERE DOES THIS STUFF COME FROM???

26. Who is the friend you have known the longest that
you are sending this to? It's probably a toss up between Melissa and Lisa, well Melissa was Junior high and Lisa was (I am NOT telling you but one of us was 12)! This makes this question unfair....I AM NOT OLD, I just have grey hair that I hide well!

27. Who is the friend you have known the shortest that
you are sending this to? Kristin and Olivia

28. Favorite Smells? a clean house!

29. Who inspires you? Megan H. because she inspired me to tell my story, Lisa because I can tell her ANYTHING and she still loves me and laughs at me! When I say I MEAN ANYTHING..she is the greatest!

30. What are you afraid of? oh gosh the list could be long here, heights, the dark, losing my children, snakes, bugs, oh this list is too long and would cause too much heckling on some of your parts!

31. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese and lots of stuff on "our" burger at Fridays, you know who you are! Our hubby's would be appalled!

32. Favorite car? Secretly I want a 2 seat, convertible, topless car to drive ALL BY MYSELF!

33. Favorite cat breed? A DEAD CAT IS A GOOD CAT. Sorry cat lovers your cat not only smells, it makes my eyes swell shut, it makes my daughter have to go to the hospital, it is just plain USELESS! I know I will gain some enemies with this one, but really it's how I feel!

34. Number of keys on your key ring? WAY TO MANY! Do I actually use ALL those doors? Maybe I need to close some and leave them that way!

35. How many years at your current job? 2 years and some months, really not feels like forever! That's not to say it's bad it's just familiar.

36. Favorite day of the week? Sunday if I am off work, Monday if I am off work! I love 2 days in a row off! It's an amazing invention though it doesn't always happen often!

37. How many states have you lived in? 4, California, Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania

38. Do you think you're funny? I can be REALLY funny but it takes work or a night out with one of my favorite gal friends!

39. Favorite candy? OH YUMMY...Swedish Fish and ANY of the Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks! RIght now I am addicted to the My Little Pony ones or Speed Racer, they are adorable AND YUMMY!

40. Where do you see yourself in 10
years? OH CRAP this question ages me, WELL, Holly will be almost 28 so maybe I will be a grandmother, Matt will be almost 26 and HOPEFULLY will NOT make me a grandmother till he has his life figured out, and Kelly will be ALMOST 18. SO, now that you asked I see myself on MANY MANY vacations with NO children...SO GREAT! Love them but can you imagine!? needed!

This is my sick, selfish, pleading, bribing, and whatever you decide to call it way of saying...


Oh so here's the deal, in 5 short weeks, count them 5 SHORT weeks I am going to be crying in a creek, wallowing in my sorrows, begging (using money of course), pleading on hands and knees, offering food as a sacrifice to my defeat!

Here is my dilema and if you can help...GREAT! IF you know someone is reliable, drives, loves to swim, eat, play, see movie's (kiddie movies preferably) or whatever other entertaining thing that happens to cross their minds...I COULD USE SOME HELP!

I am going to need a sitter for probably 3 days a week, 6 hours a day. I really need to work on this because her big sister has a job, I have to work, her brother well lets just say 15 year old boys don't babysit their little sisters and live to tell about it when their friends find out. SO...Kelly needs a buddy, one that drives, loves movies, swimming, eating ice cream and other summer treats, etc. I pay well, food and play money is included! I need to know this person and/or one of my trusted friends needs to know them! If you have any ideas or have talked to that one person who would LOVE a summer job making some $, let me know PLEASE!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Loving my new job....

I realized today how much I really love my "new job." Ok, so it really isn't a NEW NEW job, it's just different responsibilities as the new Refinery makes it's way to being a GREAT success! Somedays are SO hard, some are easier, some are challenging, and some are confusing but I love waking up each day ready for the new challenge! I had been a "stay at home mom" for almost 14 years before I took the job at Saddleback and really I have enjoyed most of my tasks along the way. I worked for many years in HR and loved it, but this is new and I am ready for the challenge! I just realize that I have found a new "me" in this new adventure. While I am comfortable for the most part around people I know there are times where I love "ducking" out and not letting new people "in," talking in a group, or inviting new people to put their feet under our table for fellowship, this has allowed God to stretch me and my comfort zone to a place that I never believed!
My new job allows me to meet new people, share God with new people and learn TONS! I have watched my husband build new Trader Joe's stores from the ground up for MANY years and now it is my turn to do something to help build a building from the ground up. I am proud of the days that I learn something new, that I make a mistake, and that I challenge myself when I feel like I am incapable of handling this new task. I won't lie, it scares the "you know what" out of me somedays! Will I get it right, will I have all the equipment, vendors, food, people in place and be able to support my boss and the rest of the team by pulling my weight...ALL THAT SCARES ME! Today was the beginning of that overwhelming yet complete succession day. I accomplished so much and the day flew by and EVERY task on my list for today was completed and I STILL made it home for dinner, time with the family and kisses good-night from my great little girl! I am SO LUCKY!

SO far the Refinery is amazing, the people who have worked countless hours making it a success are amazing, the team that is heading this is amazing, and I feel priveledged to be a part of it. I want to do what I can to help, work hard, and make this endeavor something I can stand back and be proud of who I became to make this happen. I can only offer you what I have, I can only offer to carry your favorite candy, treat, drink, etc and I am willing to do that, shoot me an email and I will do what I can!

WAY TO GO TEAM...We are lucky to be in this army together!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
High School....

This was my high school: Yes I realize it's still very 60's looking!

Remember high school? Did you like it, love it, hate it? Do you miss it or are you glad you never have to go back? This subject has come up quite a bit lately and I am not sure why. Could it be that we are realizing just how old we are getting and wish we could go back?
I didn't hate it, I didn't totally love it. I loved my friends, the ones that I still know today. I didn't love that I lived in a small town in Humboldt County where people knew too much about everyone's lives, but I loved that I lived in a small town where I felt safe amongst the people who knew about my life, confusing isn't it?

Ok, here is the real reason I ask these questions and ponder life today versus life in the late 70's early 80's (VERY EARLY 80's)! What was I thinking during those years, clearly I have forgotten...So I ask for my daughter some important questions.

My daughter is going to be a senior next year.
She has gone to school with the same kids almost her entire life.
She started school with some of these kids, yet she tells me tonight she doesn't really feel that she knows them. That confuses me, I ask her why she feels this way? My daughter is a full year older than most of her class (thanks to one year in Seattle and the cut off age for starting school), she hates that she is a full year older.
She tells me today that she feels that her peers are so much younger than she is and she can't relate to the "girl drama" the high school "yuck" and she can't wait to finish.
I have realized with her that she is not the same as most high school girls and her peers seem to be quite a few years older than she is.
I am sad for her that she feels she is "done" with the high school and won't walk away with a great memories of fun, struggles and high school memories we all had. She has made the choice to attend college this next year as well as finish her senior year, she will take calculus and chemistry at our local junior college, as I am proud I am sad that she will spend her days studying things I don't understand (really, where she gets her smarts from confuses me)!
I wondered today if she will regret not connecting at school and church with peers her own age?
She loves the college ministry at church, she loves the college connections she has made, but will she remember not having those same connections in high school?
Am I worrying about something she will not ever worry about or regret?

High it a blink of an eye or a memory not to be wasted? Wish I had a crystal ball or a look at what she will be thinking in 25/30 years? I will never try to try to change how she thinks now, it is her life and she is one of the smartest people I have EVER known, I just have wonders as these memorable years come to a close for her.

When did being a mother to a smart, bright, intelligent daughter become so confusing? Really she was the easiest child to parent!

Saturday, May 3, 2008
You take the good, you take the take them all...

There you have the facts of life....

#1. The mail brings treats from great people like Julie...THANKS FRIEND! It made my day! You are one amazing woman...
#2. The mail brings letters from the school that say: pay attention one of your bundles of joy is slipping through the cracks....THIS TRANSLATED: Get busy!
#3. A day can start out great and turn out not so great!
#4. A day can start out a little crappy and turn out GREAT!
#5. Sunday/Monday as days off are awesome!
#6. People who walk into St. Joseph's hospital and try to scare your little brother the doctor are JUST PLAIN NUTS! (read the OCRegister) This brought a call from the little brother, another opportunity to tell him that we love him and support his love for his job! He's pretty darn cool too!
#7. Moving is not fun to do, but FUN to start anew!
#8. Emails from an old friend from WAY WAY BACK to my Humboldt County days can melt my heart. Nothing says friendship like an old friend from years back telling you they have missed you for many many years and took the time to write and tell you!
#9. Life is full, exciting and full of exciting changes that we are ready to embrace, even with a little hard work!
#10. There is NOTHING like summer time, time with my family, HARBOR HOUSE, and renewing days of sunshine and bonding (meaning NO HOMEWORK)!

These are few facts of my life that I embrace today! I love on the opportunity to wake up again tomorrow, I am blessed!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I kept trying....


Today when I woke I planned on a great day, no I didn't say to myself it would be a great day because seriously I hope everyday is a great day BUT...the force was against me! You wouldn't know it at 8:36pm because I wasn't going to let the "whatever" have my day!

It started out with a trip to Kelly's school where we met a wonderful Speech Therapist, she really did have better news that we expected but it has become apparent that we have to focus more on Kelly's speech and hearing and we aren't as far as we thought we had come. It's ok, Kelly won't know it, we will ALL have a positive attitude for her.

Then I went to work, my first planned meeting was postponed and I was fine with that because I got TONS done at my desk.

Then I went to lunch...DOWNHILL was on FULL SPEED AHEAD! Have you ever had that feeling that someone knows something you don't and it's about to "take you down?" That feeling came true when we were engaged in a discussion over lunch with a person who happened upon us and decided to "share" their views on what was about to happen and what we believed was no longer. FULL SPEED...

Next meeting was a lot of patching up what was discussed over lunch in the views of 10 other people though I NEVER engaged in any "view" and I will hold out to see the outcome when the outcomes are on the horizon.

I came home and to my children's defense moving has taken a toll on my normally clean home and they are using it to be lazy...NO THAT WON'T WORK so I go into "mom" mode and tell them to help me fix it. My son makes a great grilled chicken dinner and being "mom of the year" I think I will treet them to much deserved ice cream.

Banking on the rumor that Baskin Robbins was having .31 cent ice cream we head to the local Baskin Robbins....line is around the store. I head to the next one, IT'S WORSE! I can honestly say...I AM NOT THAT DESPERATE for a .31 cent ice cream so off to the grocery store because again let's not forget I am "MOM OF THE YEAR!" I tell them each to pick out an ice cream to enjoy....I guess this is where I failed one more time today! They can't decide on which flavor treat mom is letting them freely choose. I realize then I should take them out to pick out treats more often, they are like kids in a world of ice cream treats who don't know how to make a decision. It was crazy! They don't see the "grocery store" often, we do go to Trader Joe's or Costco, usually not ALL 3 of them at once, I swear I don't keep them locked in closets or anything.

Treats have been chosen, eaten and I have one in bed and 2 to go! My husband is finally home after his VERY long day!

Tomorrow is "National Day of Prayer" I hope to wake praying for a great day for everyone I came in contact with today including my children and it will be better than today!

WAIT...TODAY WAS GREAT, it ended with ice cream and smiles! Making lemons out of lemonade...that's how life is supposed to be! THANK YOU GOD!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
There's no place like home...NOT!

Today for kicks my friend and I went "house-snooping" in Coto. Ok, so that doesn't sound like a strange place to do this but we seriously saw some of the strangest homes EVER! I guess when you think of those living behind the "iron gates" you think of grand, beautiful homes! NOT SO MUCH!
We saw 2 homes that will leave me sleepless for days! One I swear had to have been a home used to shoot movies I have never seen and don't EVER plan on seeing! The other...OH NOW FOR had 3 showers that you seriously had to jump 5 feet down to get into, NOT STEP, JUMP! It was a 3000 square foot house with a kitchen the size of a closet used in a child's bedroom. It had secret rooms that were taped shut and NO WE DID NOT OPEN THEM! We found rooms that looked like dungeons!

I still can't get over my night in Coto and won't sleep for days! SERIOUSLY what were these people thinking when they build these homes!?!?! Who lived in these odd strange homes stuck in the midst of normal neighborhoods? It would be a fun place to tell scary stories on a Halloween night if you are into that kind of thing..I am NOT and I WILL LAY AWAKE REMEMBERING MY SCARY ADVENTURE!

By the way...They were BOTH banked owned and I wonder why!?! Anyone looking to buy a new home CHEAP! REALLY CHEAP AND REALLY REALLY SCARY! Pictures can be deceiving as well as ads posted by realtors!

PS. If you were the original homeowner of these "homes" in Coto you probably know which homes I am referring and for that I apologize for my hastily made comments BUT it doesn't stop me from wondering "who are you and what were you thinking?" Hopefully you have come to your senses and moved into a much nicer, calmer laid out home!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Don't shoot me...see below! Promise for shorter next time...or is this next time?

Here it comes.....

Life seems to be blazing by and blogging has become harder to keep up with, for that I apologize!

We are packing for our move, our house (now) looks like a brown box cheaply decorated place, we won't be inviting you over! I love a clean house, it doesn't "feel" clean with things EVERY WHERE! I can't stand it. For some reason my children are using this opportunity to "forget" their chores and they REALLY think I don't see their junk laying places it never was laid before? Or they are using my dining room table as a dumping zone...SINCE WHEN was THAT allowed? I may be getting old and needing glasses but I still see their C.R.A.P. where is is not allowed to be!

Now, that explains the ranting going on around here...CAN YOU HEAR IT FROM YOUR HOMES? Sorry for that too!

We have picked paint for all the rooms (at the new home), they start painting tomorrow! I am getting more and more excited to finally spread out. We pick carpet on Monday, this is such a hard task for me but I am also excited! Odd me!

I can't wait to have all our friends at the new house. I can only hope it's "done" with it's upgrades by the time the kids get out of school!

Other news on the radar:

I am working hard to negotiate great food offerings for the "Refinery" and I am loving this project though my phone rings CONSTANTLY! If you really know me, I HATE talking on the phone for any length of time, this is why I love to text. Sounds impersonal...I know and I again SORRY! I love to meet face to face.

I had a GREAT dinner with JULIE THE GREATEST this week, it was my highlight! Julie is so normal and fun to "run things by" she is SO grounded! THANKS AGAIN JULES!

My bad/confusing news of the Step-mother died. Now I am not sure she was still my step-mother, her and my father divorced 10 years ago. I received this call from my dad and I heard my real dad cry for the first time in my entire life. I know he loved her at one time in his life. I on the other hand...DID NOT! She was not a good person and actually died from alcoholism, it killed her and she missed out on a great life. I am not sad, I feel confused and nothing...again odd me! is a real rant....WHAT IS WRONG WITH KIDS THESE DAYS! These 2 crazy things REALLY happened to my kids this week, it's almost like we should be on the "Roseanne" show with those crazies! Here goes:

Last Friday I get a call that my 8 year olds school is covered with cops and helicopters! WHAT!?!?! There was a report of a man with a gun in the area. My kid and the rest of the school was put on "lockdown" WHAT IS THAT ABOUT! The real story, 2 little boys (in my daughters 2nd grade class) decided to add excitement to the day by telling the teacher they saw a man with a gun, real story...gardener with a leaf blower! I REALLY hope there are some little red bottoms to go with THAT story! 2 hours later my kid was free to leave!
Yesterday I hear an over-exaggeration of a "riot" at my kids high school over a "water/food" fight! Really people, kids go to school, do your work, laugh with your friends, teachers teach and let go of the drama! How did my kids become the lucky ones to have so much "drama" I really wish I knew. FYI...for those of you that know the story about the high school, I can praise God that my children made good choices and were NOT involved!

Sorry it's to you ALL soon!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
It's not about "ME!" BUT...they are MY shoes!

I try to remember this quote constantly, I love this quote because it keeps me grounded BUT....I am wondering if my feelings of resentment towards losing my shoes this last week are legitimate!?!
I didn't "lose" my shoes, I didn't misplace my shoes, nor did I give them up to a woman who needed a pair of shoes out of the goodness of my heart. The conversation went a little like this:

"Mom, can I go through the old shoes in the shoe bin and our closets for HSM?"

I respond with "sure, but ONLY take the old shoes no one wears or that do not fit anyone anymore." Seems simple RIGHT? We keep shoes in 2 places in our home, a shoe organizer bin at the front door and in my closet I have built in shoe organizers. The task of "going through the shoes" seems an easy one. I am also a VERY giving person, if you need ANYTHING just ask and I will give it to you. You can have ANYTHING I have, anytime...just ask. My daughter thinks her selective hearing said "take whatever you want." It would make me happy to give away my shoes, I am thrilled with this project BUT here is my issue and I agree it's an issue! My daughter GAVE AWAY the shoes I wear ALL the time, not the ones I NEVER wear, the ones I wear DAILY! Black flats, white flats, cute sandals, etc...GONE! I would have been fine to knowing I was getting new shoes HAD I BEEN INFORMED THAT MY SHOES WERE GONE! After dressing for work wearing black capris, cute summery top, I do my usual...go downstairs to leave for work...."WHERE ARE MY SHOES?" I even go as far as asking my 8 year old to help me find my shoes and she says "I think they are in Holly's car (we wear the same size). I text her and ask her if my shoes are in her car she says "no, and I don't know where they are." "WHAT...SERIOUSLY, I keep a clean house (outside of the boxes we are starting to live out of right now in the midst of moving), how could she NOT know where my shoes are since I KNOW I put them in the organizers.

Now..the truth comes out...SHE GAVE AWAY MY SHOES TO HSM! I am good with donating them JUST tell me next time! Anyone up to shoe shopping on Holly's dime??????

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tonight my husband asked for my help "researching" some let's just say "candidates" for his work. With my new found "links" I was able to help him with this "research" thanks to some friends who know stuff I don''s complicated I know!
After we were done, we decided to "Google" ourselves. Just so you know we have led quite the exciting lives outside of our normal 40 hour work week, parents to 3 kids, AND A DUMB DOG! We have delved in the world of politics, Greenpeace, baseball, etc. We even "googled" our kids for kicks...they too have led exciting lives that we HAD NO IDEA ABOUT!
It was fun but I will take our "boring" little bedroom community lives ANY DAY!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Josh Griffin question???

Is it just me or do others still use Josh's old blog to get to his new blog? Just wondering?

And this is what happens when you "google" "Josh Griffin"

Back to work...back to re-occuring dreams...WHY?

Today I went back to work after being off for almost a week (I worked Saturday for 4 hours...doesn't really count). For some reason I woke up almost a week ago with a high fever, worked anyway so we could serve up a great Staff lunch, left that day and forgot about the next 2 1/2 days. Then we had the company party, then I had 2 days off and a minor surgery (don't worry, really minor). So today was officially back to work but being that my surgery was yesterday I was given let's just say something to "help me rest" after the surgery. I didn't function from about 3 till 5:45am when I woke this morning with the same darn re-occuring dream!

I dream that I am on the freeway, sun in my eyes or falling asleep at the wheel and can't make it over to the side...I wake FREAKING out everytime! WHY...someone PLEASE TELL ME!

Anyway...the point about my story is: it felt good to go back to work but WHY do I wake up with this SAME dream so often...could it have been after the "help me rest" junk I was given, am a nervous (I don't feel nervous), OR should I stay home and relax and not ever go back to work so I can work on this "problem" (just kidding staff reading this)! I am tired of the dream, I have to get up every time and look at my family and make sure that we are all here, no one has been in a car accident, why is my stupid mind playing this same trick over and over!

Maybe I will go find a warm beach, relax for days, and see if it happens again....OK!??! OK!

I know...what does one have to do with the other Mr. Pete....My point...maybe I need to spend time "relaxing" and not working so I can work on this "issue!" Just kidding, I love just started to sound good after having a few days off and the Harbor House coming in 103 days! SEE YOU THERE THIS YEAR PETE AND DONAS!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

In exactly 104 days...we will be at our families favorite place and for those of you that enjoy those days with us........


July 31-Aug 11

NOW...some of you know this is earlier than the last 8 years! We realize that but these are the ONLY dates that fit into ALL of our schedules this summer. We have SO much going on this summer and this is even causing us to miss a few things BUT this is SUMMER and THIS is what SUMMER IS ALL ABOUT!

See you there...ALL ARE INVITED! Can't wait...I already bought 2000 (seriously 2000) water balloons!

Saturday, April 5, 2008
Ok, I know 2 blogs in one day BUT.....

THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Everyone knows I have 3 kids because I talk about them often and I LOVE THEM TONS! Even more after last night, we didn't need a babysitter...we have an almost 18 year old and we can go away OVER NIGHT!


My dream started with my visit to my friend Susan's house, BIG house, lots of kids, and love so no wonder it started there! I was visiting her and she for some reason had LOTS of little African kids there. They were ADORABLE! I have NEVER NEVER NEVER thought about adopting and if you ask my family they will honestly tell you that I wanted ONE child and God gave me 3, THANK GOD! I was done after Holly, no Matt, NO REALLY REALLY DONE AFTER me (I have proof, enough said)! In my dream I find a little baby black girl, her name is "Sharpae" and she is SO STICKING CUTE, TINY AND ADORABLE, she had an adorable pink little tiny dress on! I spend the rest of my dream trying to convince everyone at the house and my husband that I want this baby to be ours! I even try to make them contact the family in Africa and tell them about our new house we are moving to! THANK GOD I WOKE UP...but what does this mean????!!!! Really, I am SO done with the "baby thing" I was DONE 17 1/2 years ago!

SHE WAS CUTE! David didn't see the humor in my dream......he was busy basking in the fact that our children NO LONGER needed a sitter and we were on an official overnight date!

Last night I was a princess....

Or at least my husband made me feel like one! Every year we have the Trader Joe's company party, usually not my favorite I will be honest. The last 2 years I decided to look through better eyes about the event. I decided that it was not about the party but about David and I having a night out, me being proud of who he is and what he has done for our family for the last 19 years of Trader Joe's service, and enjoying the night. SO...I have but in my decisions to go to this party with new eyes I have come away feeling like a princess, he has spoiled me with attention, time alone, and embracing who we are as a couple, sharing moments about where our kids are in life (most of these people have known them their entire lives) and being proud of US! I love being proud of us, it makes me feel so honored to be a part of "us!"
The night was great, the hotel was beautiful, the room was perfect, the morning (before we both had to go to work) was wonderful. I wish I would have remembered the camera (SO SO SORRY JULIE...I just forgot at the last moment, really I felt horrible all night about that part), but because of my wonderful friend Julie I wore a beautiful dress, David in his brand new was all perfect! Here are a few pics of this wonderful hotel, stay there sometime...The Waterfront Hilton in Huntington Beach. We had a Sunset, Ocean View room...thank you again to my wonderful sweet talking husband at check in!

Thursday, April 3, 2008
The china hutch hasn't moved....

My poor son was blessed with size 17 feet and still growing. He is having trouble keeping them out of the way of the furniture. Today he kicked the china hutch twice, it hasn't moved, it's been in the same place for 2 years. After he kicked it the 2nd time and swore his baby toe was broken he asked me why we moved the china hutch. Seriously it hasn't moved in 2 years! Poor Matt.
As he towers over me I will always know he is there to protect me, carry me when I am elderly and can't walk anymore. I love my tall, tall boy...I just feel sorry for his baby toe!

Saturday, March 29, 2008
AWK...WEIRD moments...

Today was one of "those" days! Not so much for me but for my oldest. It seemed no matter which way she turned, when she answered her phone, where she looked...well, tons of awk...weird moments. She called me to ask me where I was during the WORST awk...weird moment and the conversation went a little like this:

Daughter: "MOM, WHERE ARE YOU, you don't understand!"
(What she didn't know is that I saw the moment that she was about to get emotional about before she did...THANKS GOD)!

Mom: "Yes, I do, I see you and I will be in your presence in 15 seconds"

Daughter: "No, you DON'T understand!"

Mom: "BOYS ARE DUMB!" (Enough said)

Daughter: "Ok, I am going to church!"

This all came after many awkward occurances but she was content going to church and working it out with God. She just needed her mom to tell her "BOYS ARE DUMB" and well, just to be there! I WAS HAPPILY!

(PS...My oldest told me that I blog about her a lot...I told her she was an easy target. She laughed and said she knew)! I love her great attitude about the awkward moments in life)!

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Boss says....


Before she finishes her statement...I agree! AWWWW.....

Not ignoring...

I miss blogging and my blogger friends, SO SORRY! Coming down off a super busy week last week with Easter and needing some down time I just didn't do the puter thing at all!
Easter was amazing, tiring, frustrating and's a LONG story! All in all, it's over and we are moving on to the next holiday...Mother's Day!
Moving news...looks like it is definitely in the works and we are all getting super excited. The kids are excited for Lake Priviledges and I am excited for space! The packing has started and they all hate that but they either do their own or there is a chance a few green trash bags make their way to the trash bins!

David and I had a GREAT date night at a wonderful restaurant called Agora in Irvine. It was a Braziilan Steak house and let me tell you it was YUMMY! We had been given a gift certificate over a year ago and never used it and now we are glad we did! Anyone up to a night out...we would HAPPILY GO AGAIN????

Who had the brilliant ides to give kids candy and then start Spring Break...I have decided that they should come home on that Friday with disclosures:
1. Do NOT shop with your children for food!
2. Do NOT shop with your teenage daughter for clothes! (That is if you want
to leave the stores before nightfall!
3. Do NOT leave the 3 children unattended for long lengths of time and
expect them to get along for the entire length of time NO MATTER WHAT
4. Cartoons are ANNOYING!
5. Bubble rap is ANNOYING and should be kept out of the hands of 8 year olds
or 15 year olds who enjoy terrorizing their little sisters!
6. Don't forget to pick up the dog at the groomer, even though that sounds
like a great way to get rid of said dog!
7. Don't show up to Spaghetti Factory with a large party at 6:30pm and expect
a table in less than 2 hours! Don't show up STARVING!
8. Bathing suit shopping in MARCH...ARE YOU INSANE!?!?!
10. I thought ALL kids liked to sleep in...I must have been given the wrong kids!
11. Tell ALL your kids that EVERYONE gets toothbrushes, underware and socks
in their Easter baskets!
12. Hide the Easter candy for parents who need a "pick me up" to keep up
with said children who are home for too many endless hours.
13. Kid movies are GREAT naptimes for mommy!
Well, that's my life in a nutshell...I will now move on to reading your blogs, laughing, crying and missing all of you!

Friday, March 21, 2008
2 Meals down....12 more to go!

Today started our Easter services which means...meal services for us! We did 2 today (one for a Prayer Breakfast) and we have 12 more to go BEFORE noon on Easter! Prayers for strength!

Tonights meal:

Grilled Pork Roast with Cinnamon Apples
Grilled Sweet and Sour Chicken
Garlic Mashed Potatos
Asian Pasta Salad
Fruit bowls
Gourmet Desserts

Does this explain the exhaustion already taking effect? You should hear about the meals for the rest of the week, come see me and I promise to share a meal and menu's!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Lauren Mulderrig

Watch this name, watch for her headlines...she WILL be big, I PROMISE! November of 1993 I met this amazing little girl, her amazing little sister and her equally amazing mommy and our lives have been blessed ever since! She is AMAZING!
I babysat her and her little sis Amber for years, loved them like my own, they dawned my doorstep Monday through Friday every week for years and every day I loved on them like they were my own.
Tonight I shed a tear for the joy they have brought to my life but most of all the proud moment our family was blessed to be invited to share!
Lauren debuted her very first (and let me tell you NOT HER LAST) CD tonight and our family shared in her moment...HOW AMAZING! Like I said...WATCH for her name...she is AWESOME! You can say someday to your friends, I know someone who knows this little girl FIRST me, it will be a proud moment! Listen to her CD, look her up on MYSPACE, then tell me that I shouldn't be proud...I won't be convinced! I am PROUD! You should have heard this older sister sing to her little sister would have cried like I did! OH...and the BOY singing next to her...pretty amazing too!


Monday, March 17, 2008
Good parent...Bad parent!

Now no matter what you say we all play this game a little bit! Don't get me wrong in the end we are on the same team but my children will play "good parent, bad parent" to find out who is going to give into the choices they are trying to make. I hear it coming, sweet talk, offers to do extra chores, pick up the little one from school, or whatever happens to "work" to butter up the choosen parent. Mondays happen to be the day both my husband and I are both off work, feeling a little more relaxed, love hanging out together BEFORE the kids come home from school, plan a family meal and afternoon time as a family. I love this day, we love this day and look forward to it each and every week. It never fails one of the three God given children will "test" us this day to find out where we stand though it never fails we are always on the same team in the end. Here is my issue: WHY do we have to go through the same song and dance to get to the same conclusion? Is this just my children who play this game? Our oldest is trying to find herself (I am realizing this more and more, thanks Julie), our middle is the perfect challenger for this game though in the end loses everytime, our little one loves the sweet talk and cute routine to get her way.
My kids are pretty good for the most part, definitely NOT perfect and definitely pretty close to normal...but this is where they challenge us! Why? What did we do to make them think that this game would work, ever? We usually agree on the yes's and No's, we laugh at the same efforts, but they try. UGH!

Friday, March 14, 2008

BUT.....NOT too far! We think we found our new has bedrooms for each child! After searching and searching this might be the one! I was SO proud of myself for finding it and wanting to share the great news with the oldest daughter who will finally have her own room again after sharing with her baby sister who is 10 years younger, I made a quick call to inform her that she would have her own room. I was quickly INFORMED that they LOVE sharing a room and will continue to do so and we will make the extra room an office...WE WILL SEE HOW LONG THAT LASTS! Still in the next day or so I should have more info, just know it's close and as of now the McTag's are staying in So. Cal, until the next Trader Joe's tease!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
What's your favorite candy craving???? I can help....

Tomorrow I have been invited to a place that only drops in on the dreams of a 4 year old....IT'S CANDY HEAVEN!
I received an invitation to a Candy Warehouse of sorts in LA. They only sell to the resale public, it's not a public place. I have been told that there are more Swedish Fish than my dreams could EVER dream of. I wish I could invite ALL of you to go but the best offer I have me, text me, call me and I will purchase your candy dreams for you!
Can you imagine? Can you imagine the talk on the way home? I don't indulge in tons of sugar so I can only imagine that we will be talking fast, high on sugar and living in my 4 year old dream! I will take as many pictures as I possibly can...


Monday, March 10, 2008
Eye openers...right before our eyes...

As our daughter has ventured into a life of more freedom we have come to realize quite a bit about us, our children and our guidance. First of all, she LOVES to be "on the go" and that is not something we are used to but we attempt to give her wings to fly. We love watching her fly BUT have a few wonders about how well we have done in the Christian influence area. We do have a few rules when she goes out, we ask the usuals, where are you going, when will you be home, who is going with you? We do have a set curfew because of the DMV requirements right now. 10pm on weekends (our rule), 11pm on weekends (DMV rule), one for one right? Also the "who are you going with?" question is difficult, as we don't want to "pick" her friends, we want to "guide" her friendships and also give her an oppportunity to share her faith and invite her non-believing friends to her church activities and services. I feel this is where we are not challenging her. I hear a distinct difference in her tone when she is sharing time with her "church" friends and her "school" friends. While she thrives to be a leader at church she doesn't want to fall into the clique's that are SO strong there. This keeps her from inviting her school friends to church, I am not sure why. She is a leader at Christian Bible Club at school yet hangs with students who aren't part of that club but WON'T bring them to church. Have we not taught her how to share both lives with one another? Have we not given her the wings and strength to mesh both worlds? We need to work on this! We need to find a way for her to be comfortable enough to mesh both worlds as she ventures out. We need to figure out why she is not entirely comfortable in both of these worlds to not step out, even at church. I understand the "clique" thing as we have taught against this but it has held her back a little. We invite TONS of kids to our beach home every summer, will she invite each diverse group at the same time? I don't think so unless we teach her or help her find her place that she is not entirely comfortable but challenged enough in her faith. We will work on this...not quite sure how, but we will.
There have been MORE eye openers this last year as she grows bigger wings than we ever had anticipated! I thought those first years of that we were parents we learned a ton...NOT EVEN CLOSE! The kicker is we have 2 more kids to learn least Kelly has a better chance at having seasoned parents!

Monday, March 3, 2008
Opinions needed....but I KNOW the answer!

My daughter and I are going to New York in April. When I asked her if she wanted to join us on this "Purpose Driven" trip she jumped at the chance. I thought it was so great that she wanted to "step up" and venture into this avenue in her spiritual growth. I quickly realized...she is STILL a teen with a heart for a boy!
Here is the story, her "friend" goes to school in New York at a college preparatory academy. She asks me if I think she could stay a couple of extra days and visit this "friend." Really I have no problem with this, then I realize the reality of the issue. Not only would I be leaving her in NEW YORK as a 17 year old girl, she would need a hotel room and transportation to and from the campus hoping her "friend" could make time in between classes (keeping in mind her "friend" is NOT allowed to leave the campus during the school week). This doesn't seem like a sensible extension of our trip. Keeping in mind the cost of an 8th grade girl going to DC needing extra spending money (hoping for $100, thank you LINDA), I am thinking that this sounds like a "costly" mistake and for lack of better words....

NO NO NO!!!! I being unreasonalbe? I haven't passed on my final answer to my daughter since she only told our boss her "real" plans! She asked for a couple extra days, no details! Does she think I am insane??? You will probably hear some crying and weeping when the answer is given no matter what part of Orange County you reside in. I hate to break her heart, but then again I REALLY LOVE HER!

PS....Julie, I added this pic ALL by myself on the MAC!

Friday, February 29, 2008
Midnight blogging....

This is one of "those" nights...sleep is not coming. SO, I sit here and read your blogs and many other blogs around the world. I watch the clock and hope my eyes close soon as tomorrow is another day I need to be productive....

As I sit here and blog, read and wait here is what I learned today:

My son had a physical for sports, he is 15. Never in my life did I imagine that I would have a 15 year old, 195lb, 6'2 son! He towers over us and the doctor informed us...he's still growing and has a way to go. I guess he has to fill those size 17 shoes I search so hard for every other month! YEAH NORDSTROMS RACK!

David and I discussed moving today AGAIN! We are pretty sure Lake Forest/Mission Viejo is where we want to be and the housing market is where we were hoping it would be for us to buy something bigger (we will need a HUGE room to house the growing teenage boy)!

Kelly was treated to Top Ramen today against my better judgement...she loves it! Hello sodium! Who invented that stuff anyway! She can't stop talking about it and asking why we don't buy it, she told us that how to make it healthy...add carrots! Still....not so healthy, RIGHT?

As for my food adventures today...was treated to some real treats with some samples from La Mousse...I SHARED!

OH...and here is the KICKER of the day! We spent 1900. getting my car fixed (yes you read that right), I drove it ONE day after waiting months to get the problem solved. Got in the car this morning....YOU GUESSED IT DEAD DEAD DEAD! UGH! The bigger kicker was we were on our way to drop Holly's car off to get a new starter in it! I HATE car trouble, I am spoiled, I just want to get in the car, turn the key and drive! I know where the gas goes...THAT'S IT! I wish I was Julie who can change a transmission while baking and organizing her garage...BUT FACE IT FOLKS...SHE IS SUPER WOMAN, I AM NOT!

SO, that is my day while I lay here and wait for my eyes to close! So far...not happening...don't be surprised if I am grumpy tomorrow please accept my apologies now!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I've been tagged AND I CAN do this on a me!

Where was I ten years ago?
I was in a new place with my marriage and children. It was a second chance, and I took in that year! I couldn't be happier about my choice! I was that mother that ran the book fair, coordinated the school play, and made goodie bags for the kindergarten and second grade classes. I was the asst. to the Girl Scout troop, and soccer mom to a purple wearing 5 year old soccer team! has changed!
What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire?
I would pay for ALL of my children's education at the college of their choice! I would pay for my parents retirement so my dad didn't have to worry so much about the next ten years.
I would give the friends we know that are "hurting" or "struggling" but have worked hard enough to be comfortable and feel like they are getting a "fresh" start.
I would pay off my brother's student loans so he would never have to worry about them again or work double shifts to pay them off.
I would help my older brother find a place that makes him happy, go somewhere, do something he NEVER had the opportunity to go.
I would take each of my children on a trip with just their daddy and I and bond with them for ONE week...alone at the place of their choice (one rule...they have to hang out with us and talk to us)!
I would help my good friend start over after being put in a place that is SO out of her control. She deserves a new life and a new start being a single mom of 3 boys! I would buy her a new car, home and more food in her refrigerator and pantry than she has EVER SEEN!
I would move to Seattle, Washington buy a home, not a big home but a home we were comfortable with.
I KNOW my husband wouldn't quit his job, but I would hope that he would find more time to fish, walk with the kids, and do the things that make him happy.
I wouldn't want to quit my job but I would have to if we move, so I would find a ministry wherever we are. One where I would make a difference but have more time to spend with my husband and kids.
Five jobs I have had?
Shakey's Pizza - I started when I was 14 and worked there until the day before I left Eureka at 17 1/2.
Independent Indemnity Insurance- this is where I met 2 of my best friends still to this day! We were young, fun and drove this office crazy! They still love all of us till this day!
Orange County Register - Human Resources Specialist - I also made some amazing friends here, learned a TON about Human Resources. I was there for almost 8 years, then I stayed home with my kids for the next 14 years.
Tupperware Distributor- stop laughing, it only lasted 2 months!
Saddleback Church- Food Services Coordinator/Asst to Food Services Director- Still there, learning and loving daily!
Three bad habits that I have?
Telling it like it is! Sorry, I am working on this!
I can't sit still long enough to watch a whole movie unless I am doing something at the same time.
When I make a meal, I make WAY to much! My husband hates this! Hey, it means leftovers for the family and friends sharing a meal here!
Five things you might not know about me?
I am the product of an entire family of atheists.
I have self diagnosed ADD...hence the not being able to sit still.
I LOVE Swedish Fish and crave them to the point of paying a child or two to stop at the store and buy me some, even though I SWEAR I won't eat anymore!
I don't cry in front of people...EVER!
I hate speaking in public, in a group, or being the center of attention. I would rather crawl in a hole and hide!
I am afraid to death of being pulled over even though it has only happened three times in my whole life (I swear I have never been to jail)! 3 tickets in my entire life and none over 12 miles an hour over the speed limit. I went 22 years without one!

JULIE...are you proud...all done on the MAC! It took a time to find the copy and paste button but I did it without asking the teenagers to help me! I am feeling SO proud of myself!

OK, I tag....let's see....Linda, Holly, Diane and Steve (he needs something to do in Vegas, ha ha)!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Fried Food

I am SUPER good at not eating fried food or letting my kids eat fried food (yes, I know I have no control over what they eat when they are not with me). I try my best to remind them how bad it is...yet guess what....

I HAVE TO DO AN ENTIRE TASTING ON FRIED FOODS FOR THE NEW STUDENT ZONE! Do I politely just look at these foods? That won't work, it just doesn't sit right with a vendor when you won't try their I am going to try fried foods...DON'T TELL MY KIDS!

The best part of this experiment is that we are doing the tasting at one of my favorite caterers...he makes the BEST BARBECUE MEATS I HAVE EVER TASTED! YEAH!!!!

I am too young....huh!

I don't hear those words often but yesterday they kept radiating through my head. I went to see ANOTHER doctor to get ANOTHER opinion about my back issue. After a LONG exam his words were "you are too young to have this surgery!" What...when was the last time I heard someone say I was TOO YOUNG for ANYTHING! It's been a long time, I feel young just hearing those words. No my back isn't better yet but I am on a new road of recovery and need to see another doctor to continue this recovery but I NOW know that I am too young to have this surgery and want to live my life like I am young! I worry that my kids are going to remember the mom that needs to lay down because her back hurts or not be able to participate in activities because of my back. I have yet to miss a day of work because of my back and I am determined to not miss a day of my life and my children's lives because I was cursed with the back from HELL (you can thank my real dad for this). I want to change that...I am determined! So for now...NO SURGERY, NEW TREATMENTS and NEW OUTLOOK ON LIFE!

Friday, February 22, 2008
The most wonderful accents...

We just finished the Small Group Conference at work. It was so enjoyable, not overwhelming and I loved hearing the accents off so many people. My parents are all from the South, Mom from Kentucky, Dad from Greer, South Carolina, and real dad from West Virginia. I was always told by my friends that my parents had cute accents but I rarely noticed. When they would come back from a visit home the accents would come back and I would make fun of them. More times this week I was asked so many questions with that Southern Drawl and quick run on words...I actually LOVED hearing it! I met a wonderful sweet beautiful lady from Atlanta, Georgia today who was looking for a room, we ended up talking for quite awhile as she admired our campus, loved our hospitality and it felt like I had known her for years! I wanted to hug her and tell her that I could listen to her for hours just because she had so much love in her accent for Small Groups, Saddleback, California and then going home to share what she had learned about loving on people.
I may not have an accent, I may have been raised in Humboldt County, California but I was able to embrace this feeling of being home! As I venture into this next unplanned notch in my schedule I wanted to feel sorry for myself, be mad at God and say "why me," and remind him that I need to be at home in my home, church and life and not taken down...BUT, meeting this new face in a crowd today reminded me that I am home and I am thankful for the "accents" that remind us of the love we have around us and are called to share. I will heal and be back on my feet in no time, this will be just a notch so I can get up and continue to share the "Accent of Saddleback" with so many others...that is what God has called me to do! Walk someone to a room and find yourself thanking God for these interruptions that make us stop and listen to the accents of the world around us!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wish I had better news....

Still laptopless but thought I would update my news....need prayer but PROMISE not to make this blog about this over and over but will update once and a while. Ok, I am beating around the here goes!

I have battled a back disease for the last 15 years, it's gotten progressively worse the last year. I am an active working mom and I love it that way. I have been told the last 2 months that if I don't do something fast I will be in bad shape forever. SO....I am going to do it, have the surgery that is much needed. It's looking like next week. I will be out of commission for anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months.
I am sad, devastated and can't believe that I am old enough to have this done. It's scary...


Saturday, February 16, 2008

I am still without my laptop, this means I don't know how to add pics to my blog using the MAC. I am at work and can't get the pics off my phone camera from last night so the 2 of you that got pics, feel blessed!

We were given STYX concert tickets and a dinner gift card for the House of Blues Anaheim for last night! This was how we celebrated our Valentines after giving our oldest daughter the night out on the REAL Valentines night. My husband and I left around 4:15pm to head to Downtown Disney...bad choice for a Friday afternoon. It took over an hour to get there only to find out the wait for dinner was an hour and a half. We scored a small area in the bar (don't panic Saddleback people, I wasn't in the bar bar), ate there so we wouldn't have to wait the hour and a half. Dinner was ehhh, but being with my husband WITHOUT the kidlits and talking to just him, was amazing and wonderful! We then found ourselves standing in what HOB calls the "VIP" line that gets us into the concert a whole 15 minutes before the "regular" folks. Again, being that we had to stand in this line for almost an hour and a half, I was blessed with conversation with my husband...I LOVE THIS! We scored 2 stools right in the middle on the upper floor of the concert (I am sure this means I am old because I no longer competed for the front row standing) but no matter, WE had PERFECT SEATS...yes, I am proud to say SEATS!
This is where our night got dicey to say the least...the couples around us were more than intoxicated and a little touchy feely, we just sang along to Grand Illusion and watched the concert. The lady directly behind me had only been to one concert her whole life and was to say the least scared out of her mind at the surroundings, she held her purse in front of her like a shield all night, cute, funny and rather interesting, but fun to watch in the midst of the freaks around us.
STYX was great at first, they started playing some Beatles stuff and then did some "Circus" music...odd but I don't think the group around us even noticed!
All in all, my night was amazing...I love "date nights" and the concert was for the most part memorable!
Hopefully our next concert will be something like James Taylor or Van Morrison...but we will see!

Thursday, February 14, 2008
It's 9:03 on Valentine's night...blogging???

Yes, I realize it's 9:03pm on the most romantic night of the year and I am sitting in front of the computer. NOW hear me out before I get the WORST WIFE OF THE YEAR AWARD! I have graciously accepted my WORST MOTHER OF THE YEAR AWARD many times over so this isn't a stretch.
My day...started out amazing. I have 2 desks at work, it's hard to explain but it is what it is at this point. I went to my first desk in the Ministry Center and found roses on my desk, cute little white ones and noticed that every woman on our team had the same! SO SWEET AND YES, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I LOVE YOU TOO)! Headed to my 2nd place of work in the portables, the ladies in the room (YES YOU!) told me to go to my "other" desk where a bouquet of flowers were waiting from my wonderful amazing husband with rose petals thrown around my desk and a cute note! Feeling the love, let me tell you!
From there I was blessed with another vendor and my favorite distributor and LOTS AND LOTS of food samples. This is where my day gets weird...don't kill me BUT SERIOUSLY can I try another cheesecake, hash brown, colored pasta by 10:30am? I am over the whole smile and nicey, nice comments over food that I would NEVER serve to all of my favorite bloggers and friends at church. In the meantime, I have quietly without mentioning a word....indulged in Valentine's candy, cookies and treats that we have been given throughout our meeting. I am on a MAJOR sugar high proceeded by the sugar crash, and headache! (Forgot to mention my boss had to fill in at the Easter meeting for our team because of this prearranged meeting, so it was just me playing the nicey nice game). This is something I am really good at usually...but I cut back on sugar over a year ago, you guessed it...the major crash was coming on FAST! order to salvage the day, I decided to do an interview for a position we are hiring for then get the heck out SO I can be well rested and maybe find some protein or carbs to counteract the suger floating through my body like a ship filled with sugarcane!
My kids are SO sweet, guess what they brought sweet "Mother of the year," you guessed it and eat mommy!
My wonderful husband came home, started a dinner of shrimp scampi and cheese goal...pull it together and eat with smiles and romance. I left the house for a few short 20 minutes to drop off one kid at a church event....and guess what.....came home to the song of "Daddy says I can have a sleepover HERE, Daddy says I can have a sleepover here...TONIGHT!"
Knowing our night is no longer salvageable with 2 8-year-olds, and a 15 year old I chalk it up to the amazing night we have planned tomorrow night! Concert and Dinner...wait till you hear who we are seeing!!! Again...forgot to mention...NO KIDS! CAN'T WAIT!
Forgot to mention...back at my desk this afternoon, chocolate covered strawberries (YES I KNOW THEY ARE FROM YOU AND YOUR MOM....LOVE YOU TOO)!

HAPPY VALENTINES ALL MY WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING BLOGGER FRIENDS! I love hearing your stories of Valentines, Golf, Music, kids and nights on the town. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of the fun, funny, and serious side of your helps me understand just where life can take us, has taken us and has given back to us! I thank God for each of those, even those I only know through this world! I hope your Valentines is special NO MATTER WHO OR HOW YOU SPEND IT!

RED HEARTS...PINK COOKIES...and God's shower of love of each of you! (again no pics, MAC'ING IT AGAIN)!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
OK, here is comes....

I am writing this from the MAC which BTW...I HATE! Ok, ok, I know, Mac's are great, but I am a PC girl and don't know any better! IF and I say IF with the understanding that Brent is probably NOT reading this, BUT if he is...I know "back away from the Mac!" I would but I am having blog withdrawals as well as I have SO many other "computery" things to take care of, like balancing the check book! I will get off soon...promise!
On that note so many things have happened and are about to happen, so I wanted to get caught up a little.
First of all, the dreaded phone call this morning came...the one I hate every year! You know the one if you remember ANYTHING about this time last year....YES, it's true...TRADER JOE'S COMPANY PARTY TIME! I have about 6 weeks to find the perfect dress and after last year you will remember that I also hate this task! I have decided that I am old and proud of not having a "night life" I want to stay home, I don't want to wear heals, dressy dresses and a smile when we are discussing the latest and greatest at Trader Joe's. Remember I work in food, I cater, I speak ALL day about food, I make calls regarding food, I order food, I don't need a night in an uncomfortable dress to talk about food and/or drinks. Ok bring it are thinking FOOD IS GREAT, TRADER JOE'S IS GREAT...that's my point...I KNOW! So, who is on the "help Heather find a dress" team this year?
Backing up...last Friday night I catered the "wonderful" Singles Dance at church. WHAT A BLAST...NOT! This is the event that makes me SO grateful for my husband and family...but even if I didn't have either...this is NOT where I would be spending ANY Friday night...EVER! I do this event with such hesitation every year, I think it is WONDERFUL that we do this event, I think it's wonderful that we open our Worship Center doors to the single population so they aren't on the streets, bars, etc looking for Mr or Mrs. Right, this is where they should be, I am JUST SAYING...not me EVER! To top off the night, I was invited to a "Lemon-Drop Martini" party the next night by one of the attendee's...I guess he missed the ring on my left finger and our 20 year age difference!
Yesterday I spent the day at Fastrak trying to convince them that I didn't know that you could NOT put your transponder in another car! OOPS...can you say violations like you can't believe! If you get a new them from the parking lot...take my advice! They were VERY kind...I was shocked, but REALLY I AM SERIOUS...they were SUPER KIND!
So, those are JUST a few things that happen to be happening in my life the last 5 or so days...oh the laptop is STILL in the shop! Tomorrow I am at a Food Vendor in San Dimas for some AMAZING treats...stay tuned! I would post pics but I don't know how to get them off the MAC.....yes, Julie I will take that lesson!

Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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