Thursday, May 8, 2008
Loving my new job....

I realized today how much I really love my "new job." Ok, so it really isn't a NEW NEW job, it's just different responsibilities as the new Refinery makes it's way to being a GREAT success! Somedays are SO hard, some are easier, some are challenging, and some are confusing but I love waking up each day ready for the new challenge! I had been a "stay at home mom" for almost 14 years before I took the job at Saddleback and really I have enjoyed most of my tasks along the way. I worked for many years in HR and loved it, but this is new and I am ready for the challenge! I just realize that I have found a new "me" in this new adventure. While I am comfortable for the most part around people I know there are times where I love "ducking" out and not letting new people "in," talking in a group, or inviting new people to put their feet under our table for fellowship, this has allowed God to stretch me and my comfort zone to a place that I never believed!
My new job allows me to meet new people, share God with new people and learn TONS! I have watched my husband build new Trader Joe's stores from the ground up for MANY years and now it is my turn to do something to help build a building from the ground up. I am proud of the days that I learn something new, that I make a mistake, and that I challenge myself when I feel like I am incapable of handling this new task. I won't lie, it scares the "you know what" out of me somedays! Will I get it right, will I have all the equipment, vendors, food, people in place and be able to support my boss and the rest of the team by pulling my weight...ALL THAT SCARES ME! Today was the beginning of that overwhelming yet complete succession day. I accomplished so much and the day flew by and EVERY task on my list for today was completed and I STILL made it home for dinner, time with the family and kisses good-night from my great little girl! I am SO LUCKY!
SO far the Refinery is amazing, the people who have worked countless hours making it a success are amazing, the team that is heading this is amazing, and I feel priveledged to be a part of it. I want to do what I can to help, work hard, and make this endeavor something I can stand back and be proud of who I became to make this happen. I can only offer you what I have, I can only offer to carry your favorite candy, treat, drink, etc and I am willing to do that, shoot me an email and I will do what I can!
WAY TO GO TEAM...We are lucky to be in this army together!
link | posted by Heather McTaggart at 11:43 PM

Julie Hibbard had this to say:
Good news. i am so happy for you!
loving your JOB is the key to loving your LIFE!
- May 9, 2008 at 8:31 PM
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