Saturday, June 21, 2008
Did I disappear...honestly YES!


Ok, I admit...I have disappeared from this whole blogging world. It's a combination of moving, work, kids finishing school, work, sleepless nights, work...oh did I mention the Refinery?

Tonight I had my first feel of nerves sitting in my stomach and causing severe nausea! I was SO nervous for what is about to come, this has been such a HUGE project for SO many people and I have worked hard to pull my end of the bargain. I wished from the bottom of my deepest heart that we could have been open in the Food Service areas of the Refinery tonight! I am SO excited about what is about to come from all the hours that our team has prepared for the openings of all 3 Food Service areas!

The work that went into this amazing building showed on so many faces tonight! I loved looking at each of the Student Ministries Staff members and hearing the glow of success that has come from SO many years of preparation. It's been God's work in progress and I am proud to be a part of the team even though they have yet to see what we have begun to make this a success for them (everyone LOVES food, we won't disappoint)! Even with menu boards that still have misspelled words, I know that what we are about to offer WILL be amazing!

SO...from the bottom of my tired deep heart....THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU EVERYONE who put in moments, hours, days, weeks, months, years to make this building what it is...A place for MY kids to find God right where they are in life, find fellowship and find themselves in a world where they have SO many other options! I can honestly say, our family is GRATEFUL AND THANKFUL!

As for me....stay tuned, I will be back!

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

We were given a private tour, along with hundreds of people, by Allison yesterday...we were awestruck in every aspect of the building and surrounding grounds...
besides being a beautiful looking area it was full of young people playing games, laughing and having so much fun...
when I was a young Catholic kid we all ran for the parking lot after services...Saddleback kids will be spending the entire day there and have to be asked to leave that night...
what a tremendous concept..

p.s. Julie told me you've been having internet problems and we've all been waiting to hear from you...your name was brought up many times yesterday when food was really have a difficult job to do...everyone said you are the best...

June 23, 2008 at 8:55 AM 

Blogger Julie Hibbard had this to say:

You have been greatly missed. So glad you are back...
We did, indeed love the building and talked about YOU and the food and YOU and your kids and YOU a lot while we walked the place.
Love YOU

June 25, 2008 at 4:38 AM 

Blogger Linda Vujnov had this to say:

Yay!!! It is great to have you back!!! Your daughter was a gem at the Refinery, thanks again Heather.

June 25, 2008 at 5:09 PM 

Blogger Manish Batra had this to say:

I really appreciated your post, This would really provide the great information. Thanks for the post.
Commode Wheelchairs

Keep Posting:)

September 30, 2016 at 3:02 AM 

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Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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