Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I am not a sleeper, I don't like to spend a lot of time sleeping, I would rather be doing a thousand other things, it's not important to me nor have I ever required much of it (it could be my self diagnosed ADD), I need to constantly be going, getting things done, sleeping is not one of those things.

THEN IT HIT ME...Sunday night at church I felt my head was falling off my body (yes, I know the message was great), I couldn't hold it up another minute. It got worse by the second as I finished my job that night after church, I almost felt like I could cry because I wanted to sleep so bad. I thought that going home that night going straight to bed would help. I slept from 10:30pm to 9am, going right back to bed till 1pm. Still feeling exhausted I decided my committment to Monday Nights at the Beach with my family was important so I went anyway. I feel asleep at the beach twice! I came home that night, showered and went back to bed waking around 8am, getting my kids situated, worked on a proposal, starting laundry and taking another 3 hour nap! Back to bed last night around 10:30pm, I am awake at 7:15 and counting down the hours till I can nap again (going to the beach today, do you think I can catch a few ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's on the beach)!

Have you ever been THIS exhaused? Just curious because it's driving me crazy! I want this feeling to GO AWAY! I have things to do, people to see, places to go, life to live, blogs to read, I need to not be this tired!

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

I was interested in your sleeping problem because my wife, Donas, has been anemic for the past several months and needed a lot of sleep..she's getting better and may want to see a doctor too...
I Googled 'exhaustion' today and found too many reasons for should look it up if you haven't already...
I found cures for Chronic Fatigue Syndrom and other things equally semi-scarey...
cures included exercise, always a good one, eating raw cabbage salad, cold showers, multi vitamins, burnout and stress...
I think it may be having to work,taking care of children, doing laundry,shopping,cooking maybe not eating nourishing foods...

sorry, your 50 minutes are up!!!

August 1, 2007 at 3:28 PM 

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

burnout and stress are not cures, but other reasons for exhaustion...

August 1, 2007 at 3:31 PM 

Blogger Heather McTaggart had this to say:

Hey THANKS PETE...I also think these things have something to do with it. I feel much better today after spending the day at the beach! I still cannot understand where it came from because it is just not me! I also just lost some weight and thinking that has something to do with it. I give it another week, then out of force from the hubby, it's off to see "dr. know it all!"

August 1, 2007 at 9:59 PM 

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Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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