Saturday, July 21, 2007
Seriously it wasn't MY FAULT this time!

My phone got wet, really wet, the screen is soaked in water! I didn't do it! I left my phone in the kitchen at work to go HELP someone, out of my Christian heart and duty to my job and the people I serve! I came back to find my phone sitting in water, not where I left it and wet! Yes, wet! Whoever is the nice person that returned my phone to the kitchen it was VERY nice of you but you laid my phone in water! It wasn't on purpose, I know it wasn't, I know you meant to lay it on the table and make sure I saw it. Unfortuately, I knew where it was when I left it (yes, those of you who know me IT'S TRUE I DID) and didn't need to have it returned. I thank this person, yet I wish they would have thought that my phone might not be waterproof! Yes, it's true it has been proven to be waterproof before when I dropped it in a cup of ice tea and it still worked but this time it decided that it would NOT cooperate! Now, it powers up, it starts to work but then in its PMS moody kind of girly way it shuts down! Also the touch screen doesn't work AT ALL! I am sad and what makes me sadder is I gave my teenage daughter my pretty pink RAZR and she shattered it at the beach the other day, so she has returned to her crappy free phone and I have NO phone! Yes, this is a sad day or better yet, a good day! A day off from my ringing phone! Only there are a few people I desire to hear from often, my husband, my children and my best friend! I crave the text messages I get from my husband and best friend through-out the day! I will be disconnected, lost and unreachable! Oh LORD, what will I do?!!? Also, I am guessing, just guessing that since my phone was purchased on EBAY it is not insured by my phone company so this means a large purchase is coming my way! TEARS :( :( :(!!!!

Blogger Insured Asset Solutions had this to say:

How ironic from Wednesdays conversation:

Brian: "I thought you were going to get the water proof case for your phone."

Heather: "I decided not to."

This isn't an I told you so, but this phone has given you so much grief. Try throwing it like I threw my Blackberry. It feels great. Pat will tell you the same thing too. I completely understand your feelings in this time of mourning and grief!

July 22, 2007 at 3:01 AM 

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

I can hardly believe it...
I don't know what to say...
it's the saddest thing I ever heard ...
there isn't a good cliche in the world I can drop on you...

I have a small collection of dead cell phones at home having dropped one in the potty and a few on the sidewalk...

Get back on that saddle...

July 23, 2007 at 8:16 AM 

Blogger Heather McTaggart had this to say:

Pete...I want a Treo 700! What do you think??? I am going to beg, plead, and crawl in gravel to get one! Hey, let's all meet for a meal soon...k?

July 23, 2007 at 9:20 AM 

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

I've never used a Treo 700 but some friend have them and love for BlackBerry's, this one does all I need: cell phone, e-mail, outlook express, contacts and calendar...probably more things I haven't tried...
I dropped it a few months ago and it died right there in the parking lot...I had it replaced and in a few days was back in a new belt holder for it so I could drop it whenever I want to...

We simply gotta get together soon and do it...I'll see if Julie can set it up...anxious to meet the famed YOU...

July 23, 2007 at 9:54 AM 

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Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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