Thursday, May 10, 2007
My millenium baby!
Today I was listening to my 7 year old daughter Kelly "pretend" play in the backseat of the car with her little friend Sarah. It made me realize:
2. She is YOUNG!
3. She is a "cell-phone" baby and born in the year 2000! That makes her born after so many great inventions that she will only know as part of her world!
Here is how the conversation went between her and Sarah (keeping in mind that she is role playing a phone conversation).
Kelly (mommy)- "Hi, Mrs. Voltin, Sarah won't be at school today, she is sick."
Kelly (mommy)-"Yes, you can text me when you get her school work."
Sarah (daughter)- "mom, can I text you too?"
Kelly (mommy)- "yes, you can but you have to do your dinosaur report" (real life- it is due tomorrow and we just started at 4:00pm)
Sarah (daughter) "I will text you when I am done to take it to my teacher"
Kelly (mommy)- "Text me or call me on my cell phone" (reading off MY real number to Sarah)
Sarah (daughter)- "ok mommy!"
So, thinking back to the day when I had my first child to today...what a change of role play! Holly and Matt would have NEVER roled played cell phone the world has changed! Wonder if she will ever believe that I was born BEFORE the microwave!
link | posted by Heather McTaggart at 4:46 PM
Tammy had this to say:
Ha! That is the best story today! Thanks Heather :-)
- May 11, 2007 at 2:39 PM
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