Wednesday, September 26, 2007
That will be $275. THANK YOU!

Yes, I did it, I parked in the Handicapped space. I am guilty and will pay my fine! I saw the sign, my old age didn't keep me from seeing it! I know my family is convinced I am going blind but it was a complete and honest parking job!
I was at work and needed to run to the kitchen quickly to meet my boss who also parked there because the Woman's Bible Studies have all started parking is limited. I stayed longer than I planned (not too much longer but long enough)!

So on that note....I owe the OC Sheriff's dept. $275.00 OUCH!

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

A friend who is a delivery guy did the same thing months ago and we all learned a lesson...
but I hate to admit that every once in a while, very seldom, really, honestly, we hang my Mom's handicapp card on the mirror...
(only for important stuff like at restaurants and stuff...)

September 26, 2007 at 5:08 PM 

Blogger Heather McTaggart had this to say:

GUILTY AS CHARGED...but I thought that was a benefit of having a mother-in-law! We put her in a wheelchair at Disneyland..wonder what the fine would be for THAT!

September 26, 2007 at 5:33 PM 

Blogger Julie Hibbard had this to say:

Ouch! At church even?! No forgiveness for a first time offender?
I can't wait to see Brian's response!
You are great, Heather.

September 26, 2007 at 7:44 PM 

Blogger Insured Asset Solutions had this to say:

HA HA HA. Only the green handicap spaces are free of charge. The blue ones cost money. When in doubt, always park in the FIRE LANE. It's only $25 (if you get caught). Heck, my SECOND seatbelt was only $88. Just because the sheriff's department doesn't love you doesn't mean that Jesus doesn't!

September 26, 2007 at 8:51 PM 

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Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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