Sunday, September 9, 2007
Happy Birthday 17th Birthday Holly!!!
17 years ago I gave birth to a beautiful, amazing, wonderful, gorgeous baby girl! Yes, I know we all think our babies are beautiful but truly she was the most gorgeous baby girl I had ever seen! My heart was full, our family was started and we had a plan. We would have 1 baby and we would be complete, we would love her, raise her to be a strong woman, and we would always be proud of her. She would be the strongest only child we would know. HA...2 years, 4 months later she got a brother, she would be the best big sister we would ever know and she would love her baby brother like no other because she was not getting ANY other siblings! 9 years 4 months later...she got a baby sister she wished for and prayed for!
Holly is all those things we wished for her and more only she is not an only child, she is a big sister with more love in her heart for the siblings she wanted for! She loves in such an amazing way when it comes to her siblings. She is strong, she is beautiful and now she is becoming my friend! Yes, we have our differences and she needs guidance and we butt heads once and a while, not as often as we used to and we make up a lot quicker but she is growing up.
Holly loves God, he is her first love, her heart screams out for ways to better herself through him. I am so proud to be able to raise my children in a Christian home after being raised in an atheist home all my life! She is what I prayed for in a daughter. She is lucky to have this life and I know she knows it! She loves people because she is loved! She loves her daddy, she strives to make him proud. He loves her so much he hates to discipline her, he just can't! She makes his heart skip when he remembers the day she was born. She can give her daddy a look that says pure love and he melts! She knows this and it's fun to watch! She loves having an "older brother" who she can talk to and turn, I didn't give birth to another one...but she has someone who she has found to trust, teach and guide her when we can't. He tells her to wait to be loved like her heavenly father loves her by men, and she listens. This statement alone makes me proud of her walk with God. It is her goal and she has people who have come beside her to help her reach that goal because she has in turn loved on them!
I am in love with her today as much and more than I was the day I found out I was pregnant with her and the day I gave birth to her. She is amazingly smart, not just kind of smart...super smart! I fall in love with her more and more everyday, even on the hard days. She makes my heart jump when she is loving on others especially her siblings! Kelly can melt her in a way that screams unconditional pure love! Kelly told me today "I told Holly I loved her 3 times today mommy!" This is the deepest most amazing love! Everyone should be so lucky to have a girl like Holly in their lives...WE ARE!
I love this amazing young woman...she makes me proud to call her my daughter EVERY MOMENT AND EVERYDAY OF MY LIFE!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL...I hope it is as wonderful as you are!
link | posted by Heather McTaggart at 11:13 PM
Julie Hibbard had this to say:
This is exactly how I feel about my daughter.
Would you believe my son is 2 years and 4 months younger than Allison?
Please tell Holly Happy Birthday for me! :)
- September 10, 2007 at 6:18 AM
Heather McTaggart had this to say:
It was the perfect age spread for us!
I will tell her, she will love that you sent her birthday wishes!
- September 10, 2007 at 7:37 AM
Insured Asset Solutions had this to say:
Where's tonights photos?!
- September 11, 2007 at 1:01 AM
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