Wednesday, January 30, 2008
What came first the chicken or the FAKE egg?

Remember I am the Asst. the Food Service Director...translated: We ARE AROUND FOOD, TALK FOOD, and SEE FOOD ALL DAY! Lately it is more often than usual, see we are previewing food for the new Student Zone. I am meeting with vendors ALL day, everyday. This means lots of samples of foods that I had NO idea existed! I usually put a smile on my face, "act" kind when they are giving their speech about how great their product is, BUT I draw the line at some things! Today I was in a meeting with a sweet young vendor, she couldn't be sweeter she had LOTS of fun products to show: warm pretzels, muffins, slider burgers, cheesecakes, churro's, oh yeah ALL GOOD! THEN she brought out fake eggs, yes I said FAKE eggs!
They were seriously colored with yellow dye, shaped into a round pattie looking thing for morning egg sandwiches! THIS IS WHERE I DRAW THE what do I do? How do I behave kindly and not tell her to take away her FAKE EGGS? You guessed it, I stick my fork into the cheesecake sitting next to me and keep eating, filling my mouth and making YUMMY noises! How could I stop eating cheesecake and put FAKE eggs in my mouth? WASN'T GOING TO HAPPEN!!! SO...FYI, we WON'T be buying the FAKE eggs and you will be blessed with REAL eggs when the Student Zone opens! I couldn't serve those to ONE SINGLE person, matter WHO you are! You could be my best friend, or worst enemy...I WILL NEVER SERVE YOU FAKE EGGS!!! I PROMISE!!!!

BTW...Tomorrow I am previewing a vendor AT the actual vendor kitchen so we can try ALL their goodies! Pray for REAL EGGS!

Blogger Julie Hibbard had this to say:

BARF BARF BARF! GAG GAG GAG have found the one thing in the world I hate to eat. Hard boiled eggs!! GAG!
And FAKE? Double GAG!!!

January 31, 2008 at 9:52 PM 

Blogger PETE Di LALLO had this to say:

I was eating lunch, a home-made chicken salad sandwich on rye, and very nearly up-chucked it when I read your blog...

I trust you're the best at what you do...
but this one really sucked...

February 1, 2008 at 9:35 AM 

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Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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