Monday, August 20, 2007
Just imagine!!
Today I was invited for the 4th time to the Food Show at the LA convention center and each time it gets better and better! My husband, my boss, Alex, and Sally (a speciality caterer we use), all left this morning to venture to the LA Convention Center for the biggest Food Show on the West Coast!
We were greeted by the smell of breakfast cooking! Alex had the biggest smile across his face! I don't think he had EVER seen so many FOOD booths and samples in his life! It was like Costco on steroids!
It was fun to see my vendors I had only talked to on the phone! It's so funny how you picture people to look one way and they look totally different! It was fun to see my favorite vendor and finally meet them in person! We share a common interest in our children surfing and talk about this often so it was fun to actually talk face to face!
It was a fun day because my husband joined us, (well, he ditched us often for the products they sell at Trader Joe's) but it was still fun to have him there. Sally was like a kid in a candy store finding new products for her new business and Jamie and I found MANY things to offer in the new student zone! I can't wait to share these with the team from the Student Zone!
Next month we go to the Sysco Show and at that show there is NO HOLDING BACK as far as food offerings! If you want it, if you need to see it, if you need to taste it, and if you need to order it, they have it at this next show! It is like Costco on a TRIPLE SHOT OF EXPRESSO, on steroids with an energy drink chaser! It's a dream come true for anyone in the food business! My husband has actually scheduled a vacation day that day, he had NO idea what I had been up to all these years! I don't think he will miss one EVER!
link | posted by Heather McTaggart at 6:06 PM
glenn had this to say:
Hi there, I was just browsing profiles who listed Bible study as an interest. Hope all is going well for you and yours, have a blessed day!
- August 20, 2007 at 9:35 PM
PETE Di LALLO had this to say:
I KNOW you're having fun at this Food Show...lots of good things to sample, all that time spent eating and saying Grace before Meals for each one!!!
You're probably out of breath...
and I'm thinking about all those 'samples'you guys will be eating tonight at home...some people have the greatest jobs and yours is one that 'someone has to do'...enjoy!
and to think I started the Atkins diet last week...bummer for me thinking about all those good 'eats'you are partaking today...
- August 21, 2007 at 3:37 PM
Chart Smart had this to say:
Nice Blog :)
- August 22, 2007 at 3:00 AM
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