Thursday, May 24, 2007
Reason, Season or Lifetime Friend

I received this email the last couple of know one of "those" forwarded kind. I am NOT a forwarder and will never be! But...this is one email I read because I got it 7 times. After reading it, I decided that it had tons of great things to say about friendship, but I felt that I also had some of my own thoughts to add, so I journaled about it and decided to "blog" about it.

Here is what the just of the email says that made me wonder:

Am I a "reason" friend? Meaning, I am only around because of a "reason" meaning I need something from someone, or they need something from me? That could be something emotional or spiritual, or whatever you define as a "reason" someone is in my life.

Am I a "Season" friend?" Meaning this is short term, it is either a fun, deep or challenging friendship but it only has the capacity to last a "season?" Remember summer friendships that we swear we will keep in contact forever and ever and we never see that friend again?

Am I a "Lifetime" friend? This is that deep, great, difficult, challenging at times, fun, full of laughter, understanding, always there, tears, and chosen friendship. This is that friendship that builds a strong emotional friendship, it is the one that NO MATTER WHAT will always be there. This is that one that picks up a conversation right where you left off even though you haven't talked in a while. This is that one that is NEVER uncomfortable with each other. This is the one that is worth going over the mountain for.

Here is my thought, we are all a little of all of these to so many people. I think God designed us that way. He knows the people that are going to cross our paths at each point in our lives and for what reason they will cross. All I can say is that no matter which one I am at each moment, I want to be the best at each one! I have some absolutely amazing "lifetime" friends, these are friends that have known me FOREVER and ever and will always be a part of me, I am super grateful for this! I would love to tell you something about each one of these people in my life but we would be here forever and only God and I understand the depth of each of these people.

Here is my question to some of you: Out of each of these kinds of friendship which one do you put the most effort into and why?

I can answer that by saying my "lifetime" friends are so incredibly amazing..for example Lisa has been my best friend since one of us was 12 (no, I am not telling which one). She is the most AMAZING WONDERFUL WOMAN I know, I can trust her and she can trust me with anything, we finish each others sentences, we laugh at the same stuff, we understand venting versus reality, we just need each other in each others lives...this is my lifetime friend!


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Heather McTaggart
The wife of an amazing, funny, incredible man! The mother of 3 God loving amazing young persons!

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