Monday, June 11, 2007
Time to re-evaluate this thing called "life"
I have felt challenged quite a bit lately. I feel challenged to look at how we do "life" as a family, with friends, work and time spent. I feel like after Rick's message and then his email that I need to look at all of it. I don't know where to start and feel unorganized about starting but realize it's time.
So, just some prayers nothing more:
1. That the McTaggart's work as a team to make these changes.
2. That Heather works on balancing family and work
3. That the people that are in our life are meant to be there even through changes.
4. That the time spent is quality for everyone involved, all are considered.
5. That Holly finds her place in this thing called "life" with the guidance of some great influences.
It's almost the beginning of summer for our kids, I am hoping for some new great memories, laughter, quality time spent with each person (including mom and dad), and deep and meaningful friendships.
Let the summer begin...and the challenges difficult and easy take hold!
link | posted by Heather McTaggart at 11:01 PM
Julie Hibbard had this to say:
Let me know when I can come keep you company at the beach house one day!
- June 12, 2007 at 10:08 PM
Heather McTaggart had this to say:
Hey, come the WHOLE time...we are there Aug 22 through Sept. 5. All you need is a swim suit, relaxed attitude, and a great water balloon throwing arm! I would love's a blast. When we meet up I will show you the video's from last year...quite a chuckle!
- June 12, 2007 at 10:17 PM
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